Yummy! Fresh from the garden...greenbeans, tomatoes, and zucchini. Now I have cucumbers and new potatoes. And the corn......well that's a sore subject right now!

Westin came over to hang out with Grandma a couple of Saturdays ago. Mr. Westin now has two teeth and is sitting up. My babies are growing so quickly.

This picture is solely for the benefit of the Smiley family! Richard had I went to Kansas City last weekend and in the evening we went through an antique/flea market store. I spotted this little organ.....just like the one we had growing up. The price was $30.00. Wonder how much Mother paid for the one we had? Brought back a lot of memories - like taking it to the Killion reunion so we could provide the music! I guess we had a keyboard before it was popular to have a "keyboard!"

Sunday afternoon we went to the Truman Library and Museum. Very enjoyable.

Okay, little kitties. You keep this up and your life will not be long!

I was at Dad's last week in DeSoto. We knew it was hot, but seeing this thermometer pegged out on the deck didn't help.

And this was the temperature while driving out to Walmart!

I have officially declared "WAR" against some coons invading my garden and stealing cat food in the garage. See the exit hole through the siding and downspout??? Well, there is one less coon, thanks to Ryan and Randa. There are now three less coons invading my territory. It's wonderful to live in the country!

Two whole rows of corn were were destroyed. There were demolished cobs everywhere. So upsetting!

Yes....it was destroyed!
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