Sunday, July 30, 2017

Smiley Family Reunion 2017

 So, so good to be together.  Just disappointed that John and Donna and kids weren't able to join us this year!  It works great to meet in the St Louis area!

 Marilyn and Barry graciously hosted a wonderful meal for the siblings and spouses the night before.

 The Grandkids.  FR - Lisa, Rebecca, Christi, Sarah, Kim, Jenny, Janelle.  BR - Stephen, Brian, Ryan & John

 And the Great Grandchildren!

 And just look at this table of young boys!

 Camden decided to join the girls :)

 Kayla looks for the babies to babysit.

 It was fun to celebrate Rodney and Alyssa's marriage in October.  It was a destination cruise wedding!

 Congratulation and best wishes you two!!!

 Our five -   Lisa, Stephen, Rebecca, Brian & Ryan

 Another typical scene of these boy cousins talking sports!

 Lena & Emmy taking a rest.  

We finished the evening at Marilyn and Barry's.  The kids love the neighbor's horseshoe sand pit!  It was a wonderful day!  

Monday, June 5, 2017

May 2017

 Momma bonding with her girls on Mother's Day!

We all enjoyed a delicious meal at Jonny and Rebecca's.

 My little guys and their ballcaps!  Doesn't seem to bother them at all that their ears are bent down.

 And now we begin ball season.  This was one of Tyler's first games of the season.

 Don't know why this pictures makes him look so old.

 It was great, no... really GREAT to be in Indiana with Stephen and family after not seeing them for a year while they served with African Inland Mission in Tanzania for a year.  We enjoyed a little "Christmas in May" time with the kids :)  
These sticker art by number books are really neat!

 Max was helping Peter with his new lego set.  Peter has really grown up in a year's time.


 We had planned on seeing Max play baseball, but the game got rained out.  It would have been a chilly day since the temperature was 52 degrees that morning!

 Max enjoyed watching Joshua's baseball game on my phone.  Amazing technology we can enjoy.

 So it really is true that you don't forget how to ride a bike!   And Peter was just content to run his little legs off to keep up with everyone.

 A big wave before they took off.

 We celebrated Richard's parents 65th anniversary May 27.  Thank you Roy and Robin for your wonderful hospitality.  The weather was perfect and the kids loved going in and out all afternoon.

 Four generation of Varner men.

 Brian......this just can't lead to anything good.......
At the end of the day -- Kenny was hot, shirt came off, and it time to tell her cousin Savannah Goodbye!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

November-December...The Year is Gone

 Happy Thanksgiving!   Well, many families have these wonderful "everyone at the table" with food arranged pictures, but it just doesn't happen at our house.  I assure you, though, we had a wonderful dinner with plenty of turkey and all the trimmings.....AND it wouldn't be tradition without oyster casserole!  It was a beautiful day and the kids played outside!  Kennedy had the first ride in the crazy coupe.

 The pumpkins "might" have gotten rearranged one or two times!

 Jordy was waiting his turn to bat.

 Keep your eye on the ball!

 Lisa was looking online for an RV camper with fervency!  Who all wants to go in on this deal??  Jonny is all in!

 Kenny and Camden sharing a video together.

 And here we found Kenny!  She had carried the rocking chair in the bedroom and she was enjoying a quiet time in her "supergirl" top!

 Happy 12th Birthday, Joshua!

 And in walks Ryan with his newly acquired "Black Friday" hoverboard purchase.  Of course he needed to encourage his siblings to give it a try.  It was going well for Lisa until she bit the dust and landed flat on her backside. The first words out of her mouth as she lay on the floor gathering her wits were, "What do I have to play for this week?"  Her husband promptly replied, "The Light Show!"

 Then it was Rebecca's turn.  She managed to stay upright.   No, I didn't attempt a turn!

 There's always plenty of help.

 And doesn't every 12 year old boy want a new hoodie from Grandpa and Grandma  :)

 Meanwhile Eli was playing with blocks and he said he was building a goal post.  How does he know these things?

 So if the stands holds 12 cupcakes, what will happen next year?

 Happy 1st birthday, Savannah!

 "Um, Mommy.....I don't feel good about this....."

 "Like I said!"

 Savannah is one of the most protected little girls that I know.

Well, lookie there.  Savannah is 1 year old!

 My girls and their babies!

 Marry Christmas!  We had a wonderful time together the Friday evening before Christmas.  Sorry, no posed pictures.  Just didn't happen.

We enjoyed a soup supper and oh my, the girls all brought delicious sweets!!

 Reading the Christmas story together from Luke.

 Then we sang a few Christmas carols before we opened presents.

 A story about the Chiefs uniform for Eli!  I ordered it from  I picked it up from the store on a Tuesday before the Chiefs played the Raiders on that Thursday.  I opened the box at the store to check the contents, and alas, I had been sent a Raiders uniform.  I promptly refused it and re-ordered at the counter.  Now does this all sound a little fishy to you.  I think someone in shipping at Walmart thought they were being funny.

 I received an under-the counter CD player and Brian and Bryan installed it for me.  Boys will be boys!

 Kennedy at her gymnastics class.

Make a "pencil!"