Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Fun Post

 Kennedy made the perfect Cabbage Patch Baby.  Rebecca's workplace invites the employees' children to work to go trick or treating!  It's great to go from cubicle to cubicle and end up with a bucket full of treats!

 Rebecca's friend made the hat/hair!

 Mr Jordy was Thomas the Train...until we took Thomas "off" to go down the steps.  Thomas the Train didn't go on again!

 Okay, Jordy, just one more picture!

 Went to church with the Nelsons and after lunch had a little photo session.  Tyler and Grandpa!

The kids are growing up so fast!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lots of Kiddos Around

 Eli had his first overnighter with Grandpa and Grandma and he did just super!  A happy little guy.

 In the process of  getting something out of the cabinet over the stove, I dropped a "special" jar on top of my glasstop range and the glasstop BROKE.  I was so upset (not that anyone could tell   haha).  The jar didn't break.....just the stovetop.  I immediately went online to watch a YouTube video how to install a new top, called Sears (never did talk to a human), ordered the top and it was delivered by UPS in four days.  You can imagine how Richard appreciated my suggestion to watch the YouTube video before he began to install the top.  We're back in business again!


 Every so often we meet the Nelson at McDonalds in Lawrence -- kind of a half way point for all of us -- for lunch after church.

 Brian and Eli didn't miss out on the meeting.

 Another new venture was keeping Westin and Camden for a couple of days while Brian and Carly went to Dallas for a Longhorn Show.  
Westin, Eli, and Camden

 Camden thought he had hit the jackpot.  Richard and I picked a couple of grocery sacks of apples and they were still in the garage waiting to be processed.  Before we knew it, Camden was chowing down on his own personal apple -- he was very pleased.  Let's just say the apple was truly "natural" !

 Lots and lots and lots of playdough time.

 Westin on a mission to work on his car.

 He's taking a look at the underneath side.  I don't think we tip our cars up that conveniently, though.

My third batch of applebutter.  Really, really good!

Friday, October 3, 2014

This and That

 One afternoon I ended up having Jordy, Kennedy, and myself!  Ummmm, don't think I'll be opening a daycare by myself in the near future!  We actually got along great; this is Jordy asleep at 1:20 in the afternoon.

 This is Eli and Kennedy at 1:20 in the afternoon!  :)

 Eli was just happy to be on board for the day!  

 The mystery of "where is Dad's barn" continues.  This is how it was blocked up; clearly ready to have a trailer put under it and transported.  Richard wanted an up close look.  Notice the mud.

 And more mud and water draining down from the school yard.   I think I clearly remember Dad talking about his concerns with water runoff???

 I was able to go to the kids' very first soccer games.  It was a hot one.  Needed umbrellas to keep the sun off us us!  Go, Tyler!

 Joshua likes the goalie position.  Soccer is new to me --- is that how you spell goalie?

 Kayla had the last game of the day.

Westin and Camden dressed for bed and waiting for Mommy and Daddy to pick them up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our New Baby Peter Elliot Varner

 We welcome our new baby boy, Peter Elliot, born September 10.  Stephen and Freya now have three boys and two girls.  No dull moments at their home!

 The children were so proud of their new baby brother and eagerly took their turns holding Peter.  Max will be a great big brother.

 Henry took his turn next!

 Miss Lena will be a little mommy to Peter.

 And Emmy's thinking, "Who need baby dolls when you have a baby at home!"

 Yes, we ALL went to church the next Sunday morning and Peter was four days old.

 This is the quilt I made for Peter, finishing it 12:30 am 9/10 and Stephen called at 4:08 am on the way to the hospital!

 Loved having Grandma time!

 Max working on his fast pitch.

 Is this the grown up boy that was the catcher for the Denison ball team?

One last picture before we leave for the airport.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Very Busy Month

 Well, let's just catch up from the last time I posted a blog.  Jordy was over for the afternoon with his Mr. Lucky shirt on!

 Little Eli is getting bigger and bigger!

 I just "might" have been doing some work in the kitchen with my helper on the kitchen cabinet.

 The kids were all up for an evening meal, but still a little cool to be outside.  Doesn't seem to bother Camden!

 Joshua getting read to play a little kickball.

 Kayla is growing up way too fast.

 The only wagon we have is my big yellow yard wagon, but the kids are ready for a ride.

 I think after this kick, Lisa yelled, "THAT HURT MY LEG!"   Aren't you suppose to use the side of your foot?

 And if Grandpa won't pull, maybe Tyler can get Westin to push him in the wagon.

 Kayla loves holding and feeding Eli.  Much more fun than playing with a baby doll.

 Here we go again with the remodeling project.  Putting up plastic in preparation for scraping the popcorn off the ceiling, reshooting, and painting the ceiling.  What a mess!  Thank goodness for plastic sheeting that we use for painting cars.

 Tyler loves his computer games.

 Twas the night before baby Kennedy......

 Jordy loves to play ball.

 I would say he's got his eye on the ball!

 Freya and the children came over spring break and it was great!   A lot of children in the yard ready to play ball.  Henry was waiting to bat.

 Joshua came prepared with batting helmet, batting glove, and a bucket of balls.

 Tyler's first year of playing ball.  One of my lefty grandchildren!

 There "might" be a reason Emmy has a distressed look on her face.

 Westin was just wanting to give a little more "go" power!

 And this, folks, is why we were ready to add to the kitchen/eating area!  :)

 Eli just decided to sack out while we all ate.   Have absolutely no idea why the next pictures seems to be huge....just scroll past the next picture.

 Henry was entertaining Jordy.....while his mommy was getting ready to have Baby Girl!.  (Wish I could squat on the floor like that!)

 And here she is.....Kennedy Elaine Collins.  Born April 8.  We are so incredibly thankful for our healthy baby girl.

 Jordy was checking out this new baby.

 Max became a "pick up stick" machine.  He picked up 5 loads of sticks for me!
Another "huge" picture follows of  Lena and Eli.  She is going to be such a little mommy to new baby in September.

 Rebecca and Kennedy (two days old)

 Emmy loves to pose for pictures right now.

 Lena's "picture" smile!

 Finally....a picture of Westing without him looking down.

 Henry & Max

 Even though the kids call it a's an awesome game on N64!

 Ryan and Eli

 "Daddy, did you just say I'm suppose to sleep all night tonight?"

 This is Camden, but his brother calls him "Coggy!"

This was our "family" Easter gathering on the Saturday before Easter.  The sun was so bright that the babies had to stay in the garage during the Easter egg hunt.

 With five children 2 years and under, Brian became creative and took the oldest three for a mower ride while the eggs were being "hidden."

 Westin's method was to open the egg on the spot, then he could decide whether to put the goodies in his basket or "plant it in the grass" for someone else to find!

 Will the remodeling ever end.  Believe it or not we had bought a "bargain priced" exterior door 4 years ago, but had never installed it.  Well, before the laminate could be laid in the entry, the door needed to be replaced, and the laminate needs to be completed before the carpet can be laid.

 We had a 5 foot opening into the house and rain was in the forecast.  It only sprinkled, though before we got it closed it.

And finally....Grandma and Grandpa Varner came up this week to have some AC work done on their car, so they got to meet Miss Kennedy.