It's not new information to tell you we had a HOT, DRY Summer. We will always remember the summer of 2012! I began noticing this crack out by the yard light and finally I couldn't resist the temptation to see how deep it was.

You are seeing the numbers accurately. The yardstick went down 22 inches. Amazing. Notice how the grass was so dry, so brown, so matted. I was sure we had lost the lawn. Surprisingly enough, it is beginning to green back up after the rain we've had.

Because the coon took out two rows, then we ate two rows, and I still had corn seed left, I decided to plant a second crop the middle of July. Dad was skeptical that I would get a crop, but he said, "....but it's fun to try!" Guess that's why I like to garden. By now the corn has
tasseled and it is looking promising.

The end of August I went to Dad's for a visit and on Saturday, Stephen and the boys came to switch out cars, picking up the car he put to
gether this summer. Max and Henry were troopers to make the one-day trip.

Jonny, and
Jordy were coming back from their vacation to Virginia so they stopped by, too. Here's
Jordy checking out Great-Grandpa's knee.

Great Grandpa (who will soon be 97 years old),
Jordy, and

And.....Brian, Carly, and
Westin had come to St Louis for the weekend, so we had a full house for a few hours. Westin really wanted to examine Gr Grandpa's sunglasses tucked in his pocket. The time together was sweet and precious.

I included this 40" picture of "Sparky" because that has been what I've been
pre-occupied with lately. We've started a new year with a BIG group of kids and we're excited!