These first pictures go back to March when Brian, Carly, Richard and I made a trip to Stephen and Freya's to be there for Lena's baby dedication service. Wouldn't you know I forgot my memory card, all the pictures went to my hard drive, and it has taken me this long to get them transferred over to my memory card and on to the computer. We had such a good time together. The pictures from the church aren't very good, so we will just remember the memories. Henry was on the platform as well.....not sure who he was hiding behind.

Lena was decked out all in pink! Cute, Cute!

Lena Mae

Mr. Max


Now let's jump forward to June 17. Rebecca and Jonny have been playing coed slow-pitch softball for several years. Jonny chose this night at the bottom of the 5th evening to propose, "Rebecca Susanne, will you marry me?"

And the answer was "Yes!"

Took this picture before I left for St Louis last week. The yellow lilies, some of the orange lilies, and the red spirea were in full bloom. With all the color, I almost forget how cold and how much snow we had last winter.

The garden is growing well. First two rows are potatoes, then green beans, tomatoes, more green beans, then the corn.

One day last week I had zuchinni, fresh potatoes, and new green beans. I didn't even fix myself a hamburger like the guys had. I could easily go without meat!! Love that garden stuff!! Waiting for the tomatoes to ripen.