Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Pictures

In the last blog, I accidentally posted the same picture twice. This was the intended last picture. Lisa and I gave our Spark leaders little loaves of bread, and this is the finished product before we gave them out that night!

Richard and I were in DeSoto Saturday and Sunday to have Christmas with Mother and Dad. Sunday isn't Sunday without lunch at McDonalds.

Christmas evening at our house. The table was all set and stockings waiting for the kids to come. For sure it was, "Over the (Kansas) river and through the snow to Grandmother's house we go!"

There really was 9 inches of snow. A Christmas we won't forget.

Making gingerbread men with Joshua and Kayla. You know those Wilton pre-packaged kits you can get drastically on sale at Walmart? It's a neat craft, but don't count on them being a "yummy" treat!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

These Are the Sparks I've Been Talking About!

First of all.....Topeka Bible Church Light Show 2009! The "new addition" for this year was this huge, unbelievable star at the top. It was so huge with so many lights, the electricity had to be re-configured. Somebody has a lot of creative juices.

Now, here's one section of Sparks (ages Kindg-2nd grade)....and....

here's the other section of Sparks. We regularly have around 80 children each night. It's been a great ministry for our church. Lisa and I are co-directing this age group and it's been a "stretching" experience for us!!

Sorry 'bout that....same pic got posted twice and can't figure out how to edit it out

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Pictures!

The newest way to learn to play the piano......I got home very, very late one night and found Ryan picking out a song he wanted to learn using his iphone that not only plays the "tune," but then using another program to "show" him which notes to play.

Ryan's new girlfriend. His new tool box!

Let's just say he's pretty proud of it.

Brian and Carly
Pictures from the church Fall Festival at Gary's Pumpkin Patch.

The Nelson Crew......right before it was time to leave.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pics from Brian and Carly's Wedding

Brian & Carly Varner. Carly's bouquet was just beautiful with very bright flowers.

Outdoor pictures were taken at Ward Meade Park in Topeka. It was a beautiful day for outdoor pictures.

Yeah....Grandma just can't resist. From L to R: Tyler, Max, Henry, Joshua & Kayla.

Ryan and Kayla before the wedding. The two little flowergirls were both complaining about their new shoes, so they just went barefooted down the aisle! Pretty cute!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's Go To The Garden, Kids!

Joshua and Kayla were up for the evening, so after supper we went to the garden. First on the agenda was to dig potatoes. Joshua thought his little flower spade was what we needed. Kayla's job was to hold the sack.

It was just like an Easter egg hunt, looking for the potatoes.

Next was picking corn. The kids said walking down the rows was like a "rain forest." Too bad they got eaten by chiggers!

This was one night's picking of tomatoes!

It's the Jackson County Parade!!

With great anticipation, the kids keep looking down the street for the start of the parade (with, of course, their candy bags in hand.) The amount of candy that is thrown from floats is amazing!

What??? An Equinox on the Varco Motors float? It isn't a Dodge/Chry vehicle! Good Job, Brian on the float!

Notice that Lisa has her camera ready; also that Joshua's bag is getting full. The weather was just beautiful....not too hot...a little overcast. Some interesting floats this year: like the motorcycle rider that had her dog and the dog had on sunglasses; or the truck that was so busy waving to the crowd that he ran into the back of the float in front of him.

Grandpa and Kayla

Tyler was just happy to be on board, except when that big army truck blew his horn.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Favorite Time of the Year

The lilies are in full bloom and just loaded.

Too bad I saw a snake skin among the plants. Now I keep my eyes peeled for anything that moves.

This is the other corner of the house. The Ninebark bush had really pretty pink/purple blossoms earlier.

Recognize my "flower pot?" It's the tub Dad used to cover the garden tractor.

The garden is really shooting up. The tomatoes are armpit high now.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Visit from Stephen & Freya

I remember the days when "other" little boys used this propane tank for their make-believe horse.

Henry after his bath, brushing his teeth!

Check out the form! Max is a "lefty."

Henry wants to make a basket, too.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Garage Sale 2009

We had so many treasures for sale. By this time Stephen was starting to add up the totals. I took a pictures of Stephen, and.....

Stephen took a picture of me! Anyone need a fine pinecone Christmas wreath!

After all the harrassment I've gotten for these gray furry boots, I decided to sell them in the garage sale. Do you think the girls let me put them on the tables? Rebecca declared she was going to wear them to work, but I think she chickened out (and I still have snow boots for sale!)

Lisa just waiting for all the customers! All joking aside....we did have a successful sale!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy 70th Anniversary, Mother and Dad!

The family gathered to celebrate Mother and Dad's 70th anniversary on Easter Weekend. They were married on Easter Sunday....right between the Sunrise Service and Sunday School. Just like young couples do today :) It was so neat to hear Dad's reply to Carly's asking him what was the secret to their long marriage. Dad said, "We spoil each other." Mother and Dad, we love you, we respect you, and we're proud you are our parents.

Mother & Dad with myself, Susanne, Marilyn, and John

Mother & Dad with the grandchildren

and the Great-Grandchildren this was getting a little tricky!

Mother thoroughly enjoyed holding 11 days old Tyler. It was really precious.

More Anniversary Weekend Pictures

Here's our family....minus Bryan N, Stephen, Freya and boys. This weekend fell too close to April 15 (tax day).

Lots of good food! Chicken, ham, lots of salads and desserts!

Lynae and Claudia

Christi and Alyssa immediately became friends of Kayla and Joshua playing games with them.