When the kids asked what I would put on my blog I told them, "Oh, I'll take a picture of Dad, then he can take a picture of me!" It isn't quite that bad, but....almost! Richard, Brian, and Ryan have been building a new car hauling trailer. The treadplates haven't been welded on yet, but it just came back from being sandblasted.

Brian and Ryan have done all the welding and there is fierce competition who can "lay down" the neatest bead! Looks good to me.

It's just a little bit longer and a little bit wider than our old one. I think the boys figured out our other trailer has traveled 500,000 miles.

Merry Christmas! My washing machine let me down and it wasn't a simple hook-up since the faucets had to be replaced.

The sheetrock is still wet, but Richard hooked up the new machine. Mission Accomplished!